

The Arcadia Colony; Perils of Paradise

Position papers should not be written for this committee.

Your Directors

Xavier Hillman is a co-chair for the The Arcadia Colony: Perils of Paradise crisis committee at this year's RaiderMUN! He has been in MUN for just over a year, but has already fell in love with yet another way to debate people. He has attended both the KnightMUN conference and GatorMUN bringing home a verbal commendation in the second, but hopes to achieve even more this year. Outside of MUN Xavier enjoys rock climbing, math, physics, and debating his unwilling friends.

Bryan Molina is your co-chair for The Arcadia Colony: Perils of Paradise crisis committee for this year's RaiderMUN. Bryan has been in MUN for more than a year attending 2 out of town conferences. He has fallen in love with MUN and is ecstatic to be part of RaiderMun. Outside of MUN he enjoys spending time with friends and making jokes. He hopes to achieve more and improve with every conference. As secretary of Rickards MUN he is devoted to giving it his all.